February 15, 2015

Bladder Cancer and Smoking

Bladder cancer and smoking Smoking is the most important risk factor for bladder cancer. Smokers are at least 3 times as likely to get bladder cancer as nonsmokers. Smoking causes about half of the bladder cancers in both men and women. Based on a research shows that smoking is affected bladder cancer approximately 30-40 percent.

The new study shows more than half of patients with bladder cancer in the US is the result of smoking.  In the research involve 1,198 people who had been diagnosed with bladder cancer between 2006 and 2009 in the California Cancer Registry. Half of respondents were former smokers, and some of them had quitted smoking at least 10 years before the diagnosis of bladder cancer.

The survey contains a list of ten potential causes of bladder cancer such as use of tobacco, alcohol, age, family history, and sexually transmitted diseases. Nearly 70% of respondents said that tobacco can cause cancer, so the cause of the most cited in the survey. The next most common are alcohol and age.

When smokers inhale, some of the carcinogens (cancer-causing chemicals) in tobacco smoke are absorbed from the lungs and get into the blood. From the blood, they are filtered by the kidneys and concentrated in the urine. These chemicals in urine can damage the cells that line the inside of the bladder, which increases the chance of cancer developing.

Symptoms and signs of bladder cancer

To diagnosis bladder cancer, you may pay attention some of signs below:

  • Injury or irritation of the bladder
  • If frequent urination should be wary because it also can be caused by a tumor in the bladder body annoying and infection
  • Suffer haematuria or the appearance of red blood cells in the urine. When the red blood cells and white blood cells meet the area of the bladder that cause bladder infections. Hematuria can cause kidney stones or tumors in the bladder
  • The desire to urinate but not out
  • Experiencing pain during urination
  • Blockage of existing tumors in the bladder resulting in pain in the waist and impaired renal function

Actually, the respondents were diagnosed with bladder aware that smoking causes cancer. The fact and research above shows that bladder cancer and smoking have close correlation. Therefore, to avoid the cancer, you have to quit smoking.

Article source: www.smokingcausescancer.com

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