July 23, 2016

Dental Problems Caused by Smoking

Smoking is one of the most harmful habits a person can have. This habit is directly associated with a number of health problems, including cancer and illnesses concerning the lungs. Aside from the health conditions that can arise from smoking and using tobacco products, dental health is at risk as well. The appearance and function of a smile will significantly be affected with smoking, especially if the habit has been done for a long period of time, or if cigarette smoking is done heavily on a regular basis.
dental problem caused smoking

One of the most visible signs of smoking is teeth staining. Long-term smokers and those who smoke regularly and heavily will definitely show visible nicotine stains on the teeth – especially without regular dental checkups. Nicotine and other chemicals from cigarettes will accumulate on the surface of teeth, and in between teeth and the gum line. The unsightly brown and black deposits will not be removed by regular tooth brushing or flossing alone, and will need to be removed through professional dental cleaning. The nicotine deposits and teeth discolourations may lead to tooth decay if not removed early enough. It is common to see brown, stained teeth in smokers; these visible signs can lead to tooth loss especially if the decay is extensive, and when the gums suffer problems as well.

The gums take a beating when smoking is done on a regular basis, and without proper oral hygiene habits. The chemicals that come from cigarette smoke are very harmful to the gums, which will eventually be affected adversely. Gum problems that become complicated can lead to tooth loss. Another problem that hounds those who smoke is bad breath. Even those who have just started smoking will quickly develop bad breath from the nicotine and cigarette chemicals as these interact with the saliva, and the inner mouth area.

Those who have dental implants are implored not to smoke because of the damage that the habit can cause to the implants system. Smoking can result to implant failure, even as the gums supporting the implant suffer from the harmful effects of the nicotine and other harmful chemicals. In addition, patients who have been smoking for a long time may not be eligible for an implant treatment, preventing them from getting the missing teeth solution that they need in the first place. Smoking and tobacco use increase the risk for the development of oral cancer; the habit is one of the leading causes of mouth cancer.

The London Dental Studio is dedicated to providing total patient care with some of the high qualified and experienced dental surgeons in the UK. Teeth whitening at London Dental Studio is supported by in-house professionals in all fields of cosmetic dentistry, dental implants and a full range of routine dental treatments.Visit our website to book your appointment

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