January 28, 2015

Does Smoking Cause Throat Cancer?

does smoking cause throat cancer Throat cancer is a type of head and neck cancer that arises in the throat. Throat (pharynx) is a five-inch hose that extends from the nose to the neck. Throat cancer usually appears on the channel of throat or the vocal cords. Throat cancer may result from a genetic mutation process of the cells in the throat. These cells continue to grow unchecked and continue to live in spite of healthy cells die. Then, the cells accumulate and form a tumor in your throat.

Dr. Anil Heroor, an oncologist from Fortis Hospital explained that cigarette is one of the causes of this cancer. Throat cancer is closely related to smoking, such as head and neck cancer are more among smokers compared with nonsmokers. The use of unfiltered cigarettes suspected also able to increase the risk of throat cancer.

All matters relating to cigarettes and tobacco known to be associated with throat cancer, for example regular cigarettes, cigarettes, pipes, cigars, and other. Not only the throat, smoking also causes cancer in other parts such as the lungs and bladder cancer. Even that is not used as a tobacco cigarette, but chewed, can also cause cancer of the cheek, gums, and lips.

Symptoms of throat cancer 

To detects you have throat cancer or not, you may check  a number of symptoms such as:

  1. Sore throat: Pain in the throat does not go away
  2. Difficulty in swallowing
  3. Cough
  4. Turned into a hoarse voice
  5. Pain in the ear, and
  6. Weight loss

Throat cancer factors besides smoking

However, there are several factors that increase the risk of throat cancer besides smoking, such as:

  1. A virus called human papillomavirus (HPV)
  2. With excessive alcohol consumption
  3. Consume less fruit and vegetables

However, the risk of throat cancer can be minimized by changing your own life style by quit smoking because smokers have a higher risk of throat cancer experience. Stop bad habits now in order to throat cancer.

Article source: www.smokingcausescancer.com

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