January 23, 2015

Does Smoking Cause Colon Cancer?

Does smoking cause colon cancer Smoking often is linked to various cancer including colon cancer. However, Does smoking cause colon cancer? According to a journal that is published by Journal of Clinical Oncology on July 2013 showed that smokers have higher risk to be suspected of colon cancer than non-smokers. Moreover, smoker who have colon cancer having shorter age than non-smokers.

Amanda Phipps did colon resection to 2000 respondents in 2004 and 2005.  After that, they had colon surgery and treatment. The respondents consist of 931 non-smokers and 1.028 smokers.  The result showed smokers have 23 percent dead risk higher than non smokers or possibility to having the cancer again 3 year after colon surgery.

According to American Cancer Society (ACS), some of the ingredients in cigarettes can be fused with saliva that can cause colon cancer or other cancers. ACS estimates that as many as 102.500 people will be diagnosed with cancer America colon and rectum in 2013, and about 40,000 people will die from the diseases.

Symptoms of colon cancer

Commonly, we do not know whether we are suffering from colon cancer or not. Early detection is the best step to address this cancer. To find out, we can observe a number of causes as follows:

  1. A lump in the abdomen, the emergence of a lump in the abdomen with irregular shapes, is a hard lump.
  2. Abdominal pain, onset of abdominal pain in the belly, especially the right side, this occurs when the intestine is covered by the tumor.
  3. Stomach habits changed, the stomach was not normal as usual for example: hard bowel movements, felt nausea, and stomach feel full or bloated even after defecation. In addition, it is also possible to experience constipation or diarrhea without cause.
  4. Feces color has changed, feces or dirt that comes out is usually red or bleeding and very dark color. These symptoms are the most common symptoms.
  5. Weight loss, a colon cancer patients will experience weight loss due significantly therefore reduced appetite.

Symptoms of colon cancer at an early stage in the identification is difficult, therefore, if you are experiencing some of the symptoms described above, immediately went to the doctor so that you can prevent this cancer.

Smoking factors causes colon cancer

If smokers smoke today, they will not feel the effect of smoking, but, in long term smoking is able to causes colon cancer because of two reasons as follows:

  1. The first, smokers inhale cigarette smokes, the smokes consist carcinogen essence which go to big colon.
  2. The second, usage of cigarette increase polyp that grow on colon surface.

Based on the fact above we can conclude that smoking give high contribution toward colon cancer. Colon cancer can be avoided and reduce by quit smoking in order to reduce smokes enter colon.

Author: www.smokingcausescancer.com

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